Sometimes there’s nothing better that doing some laid back family photography with adorable little chunky legged babies.
Sometimes there’s nothing better that doing some laid back family photography with adorable little chunky legged babies.
DC is now down two amazing women because these two just made their way to Chicago to do big things.
Awhile back I had the pleasure of shooting Jen & Nick’s rehearsal. A few weeks ago Jen contacted me and said that her friend Jess was getting married and they wanted me to shoot her bachelorette day. UHM HELL TO THE YES. There was brunch, and wine tasting, and a whole lot of laughing. I...
Well, 2014 was by far one of the craziest years. Here’s some of my favorite moments. There’s so many more.
Every year throughout my high school we used to go to the desert for new years. We went up until I got married five years ago and then we just never had time to travel home for it. This past christmas we finally got to go again, with our little nugget and he had such...
Tommy is a wedding photographer who spent his last deployment being greeted by his closest friends. We explored San Clemente and of course welcomed him with good mexican food.
Personal work feeds our soul. It shows a lot about what you’re going through at the time and your thoughts. This was a time when we were all trying to find own light.