Junebug Best of the Best 2014

  HOLY BLEEP GUYS. There’s this contest that Junebug weddings holds every year called the Best of the Best that allows photographers from all over the world to submit to be curated into the best wedding photos of the year. The thing is, it’s crazy competitive and they only pick 50. FIFTY FUCKING PHOTOS out of...

San Diego Wedding Photography | Jess + Ross

Sometimes you fall into things. Things that you don’t know how they happened, but the universe put you in a certain place at a certain time. Those moments and people (Jenn & Nick) led me to a perfect winter day for Jess & Ross’s wedding. They are the perfect mix of sassy and heart filled...

Hello, I'm sarah

I'm so happy you're here. Here's a peek into past sessions, weddings and little bit of my life thrown in.
